The adorable Platelets continue to gather head-over-heels followers on pixiv♡ [Recent Buzzwords]
Why are the platelets so popular?
Circulating the human body, the platelets are smaller by nature compared to other medium-sized blood cells. So when these cells are anthropomorphized, the result comes in the shape of little girls who are old enough to be kindergarten or elementary school students.
Also, true to their appearance, these little girls speak and behave in a childish manner, like any run-of-the-mill little girl. Long story short, these cute and little platelets have the ability to gradually snatch the hearts of the audience, readers, and their fellow cells. Damn it! Why are the platelets so cute!?
pixiv Dictionary
The platelets' skyrocketing popularity on pixiv
Each new episode reels in new fans, male and female alike, and as of July 26, the keywords "Platelets (Cells at Work!)" and "Cells at Work!" ranked first and second, respectively, on the list of pixiv's most popular keywords among men. Meanwhile, on the list of the most popular keywords among women, "Cells at Work!" has managed to snatch the second spot. On pixiv, it is indeed rare for a new anime series to quickly become a smash hit among everyone, regardless of their gender.

The 6th chapter Heatstroke also went viral
Perhaps out of consideration for the people who had to deal with consecutive days of sweltering heat, an original "Cells at Work!" manga chapter titled "Chapter Six: Heatstroke" was released on July 25 for everyone to read for free. The release quickly went viral on various SNS platforms.