Who Is Koyanskaya of Light? [Buzzword] - An Unexpected Turn of Events!
The popular smartphone game Fate/Grand Order (FGO) recently held its 6th anniversary. This hit series often becomes quite the hot topic on social media with its new releases. This round, it was announced that Koyanskaya of Light would be added to the game’s character roster as a new assassin class servant.
Who is Koyanskaya of Light?
On the 6th anniversary of Fate/Grand Order, the release of a new assassin class servant, Koyanskaya of Light, was announced.
She first appears as Goredolf Musik's mysterious secretary Tamamo Vitch in Fate/GrandOrder: Cosmos in the Lostbelt Part 2. As the story develops, it’s revealed that she is actually one of the three apostles of the game’s primary villain, Ise no Kami (異星の神, lit. Alien God).
Koyanskaya and the Chaldea Organization remain mostly hostile towards each other after the reveal, but there is a glimpse of them temporarily teaming up to defeat their common enemy in the epilogue of Part 2 Chapter 6.
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Koyanskaya is shrouded in mystery. She’s a candidate for the seven beasts and a long-time villain, but now, rather than go to the “dark side”, is she finally seeing the “light”?! This character finally being playable took a lot of the game’s fans by surprise.
And of course, on August 3rd, Koyanskaya was the most popular search on the pixiv search ranking!