Fan Art From Stone Ocean - The Anime for JoJo's Sixth Story Arc!
The sixth story arc Stone Ocean follows Jolyne Cujoh, Jotaro's daughter, as she ends up in a car accident that ultimately costs her 15 years in prison. Upon her arrival at the Green Dolphin facility, she gets a mysterious pendant from her dad, containing a fragment of the infamous arrow, manifesting her Stand. In a matter of days, things really heat up as we discover that some old friend of Dio's is trying to avenge him by having her and Jotaro killed.
Take a look at the fanart featured in this article to get a glimpse of Jolyne and her Stand, Stone Free, her pals Ermes Costello, Foo Fighters, Weather Report, Narciso Anasui, Emporio Alniño, and more!
Have you binge-watched the first 12 episodes yet? Whose Stand grabbed your attention this season?