Drawings of Fox Girls - The Talk of the Den ♡
What do foxes symbolize in your culture? While they’re often depicted as cunning creatures, hence the saying “sly as a fox,” foxes are frequently considered benevolent, intelligent beings in Japan. This is why you’ll often find statues of them at Inari shrines in Japan, complete with a red bib to ward off disease and evil energy. That said, you still need to be wary of them, for they’re also known to shapeshift into beautiful women pretending to be lost and in need of help. Many folktales mention people inviting these young women into their homes, only to wake up to their food and valuables missing, with the girl nowhere to be found. Still, it’s hard to be mad when they’re as adorable as the girls featured in this article!
Enjoy these illustrations of fox girls with their big, fluffy tails and ears in all their foxy brilliance!