Beware of the Wolf! Little Red Riding Hood Drawings
"Umm... Grandma? Why is your mouth so big?"
"You see, my dear... It has to be if I'm going to eat you!!"
One of the famous Grimms' fairy tales that everyone knows is a story of a girl wearing a red hoodie and going to visit her sick grandmother, who lives deep in the forest. The story is none other than the Little Red Riding Hood. Walking through the forest with flowers in her hand, the Little Red Riding Hood has no idea that a human-eating wolf has dressed up as her grandmother and is waiting to ambush her at home...
Many illustrations on pixiv feature characters with cute red hoodies and various interpretations of the fairy tale. This time we're featuring illustrations with the theme Little Red Riding Hood. Sit back and find out how this familiar tale is being remade! Enjoy!

by かる