Surprising even professional artists! Here are the results of pixiv's Illustration Contest for High School Students! - Are these really the works of teenagers!?

First Prize
Prize Money: 100,000 JPY
Comments From the Judges

Kantoku: The artist's way to use light in this illustration is just breathtaking. There's an overall good sense of unity among the hues and everything just falls into an eye-catching and satisfactory sort of balance. The characters are also adorable! They make you wonder what kind of game they're playing and if you look at the illustration's deliberately incomplete description, you'll feel compelled to come up with various answers to fill in the blank.

Masayoshi Tanaka: The artist is really good at creating a nice overall color composition. The use of silhouettes also serves to give the illustration depth. The illustration gives you a gist of its worldview, too, judging from the interesting size contrast between the briefcase in the back and the characters (dolls).

Illustrator Judges' Choice Awards
Each illustrator in the panel of judges chose one illustration and the artist will be awarded 15,000 yen worth of pixiv original merchandise.
Kantoku Award

Masayoshi Tanaka Award

lack Award

Annin Doufu Award

Corporation Judges' Choice Awards
Elecom Award
Elecom Representative: The carefree smile on the boy's face who is reaching out and the interesting group of friends behind him... The quirkiness of each character, the background, and the props; these elements come together to form a single coherent story and we agree that it's absolutely mind-blowing. We hope this artist will continue to create charming characters in the future.
Bluetooth Earphones for Anime Songs
USB (32 GB)
Paperlike Film
Glove for Drawing Tablet
Dengenki Moeoh Award
Tosho Card (5,000 JPY worth)
Copic Award
Copic Sketch 24 Color Set for Manga Illustrations
Square Enix Award
Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary Monster Illustrated Encyclopedia
NieR:Automata World Guide Art Works Book
Dragon Quest Builders 2 Clear File A
Kingdom Hearts II World Stickers Set
Dragon Quest Builders 2 Block-shaped Pouch B
CLIP STUDIO PAINT Representative: This piece reminds you of those days when you used to draw the corners of your notebooks with doodles and we want adults to see this. The drawings on the background and the colors may look haphazardly positioned at first, but there's actually a balance between all of them. We feel that this illustration has done a great job expressing daintiness!
Monster Strike Award
ANKER Speakers (Not for Sale)
Tote Bag
Bath Towel Ball Group Illustration 3
Kuttari Plushie Oragon
Wacom Award
Wacom Representative: We had an extremely hard time choosing one piece out of so many amazing works, but we decided on this very illustration because it carefully portrays the contrast between what playing means to a child on his summer break and what it means to a grown-up man.
Wacom Intuos Small Wireless Black
Award of Recognition
We decided to add Award of Recognition because the number of wonderful entries that the contest's participants submitted turned out way beyond our initial expectations. The winners of this award will receive souvenirs from pixiv.
Honorable Mentions
🐻 by 66
元旦の曲芸師 by 76
シークレットベース by ≠
制服交換 by A4
森で遊ぶ動物たち by CHAN
青春謳歌! by ina
道楽の海に沈む by KEHi
Play, joy, jump!~⭐️ by minutes00
🎡 by NICOLE☆
感覚麻痺はお前の方さ by ROTUS.
遊びがいっぱい! by TOUGOU
お正月 by Tukimi
会いに by uotak
金魚掬い by Yan[ヤン]
溢れ出す by あい.mia
ファイナルゲーム by いず
PLAY with DOLLS by ううう
死ぬほど遊んでいたい by うに
おもちゃあそび by ウロス
☆ by えむぺ
お遊びJK by おねね
いつかの君は by かつを@commission
星むすび by かるちゃん(軽川かる之助)
次は何をしようか by かるら
おもちゃ箱の中でずっと by グラサンうさぎ
【ドラクエ】みんなで遊ぼっ! by コエダ
遊園都市計画 by こむぎこ2000
Water Marine World by さくらりお
サザンカとブランコ by さなせ
「私とここで一生遊んで過ごしましょう...??👾💕」 by さふぁいあ
「撮るよ~!!!🌈💜」 by しう
白線以外踏んだら死ぬゲーム by しおしお
「ねぇ、」 by すいめんか
pray pray pray! by ソラナカ
遊び by だいふく
エンジョイステューデンツ by チェしゃ@ついった
お茶会 by ちょる
一緒に遊ぼ by ドスコイ
髪遊び by なのひ
和風の遊び部屋 by ねこまねこ°
放課後遊戯部 by ばななザウルス
宇宙まで by ぱや
雪の日 by はるあや@お仕事募集中
遊びの世界とリアルの世界の私。 by ピカタン
メリーゴーランド by ひなすみれ
スマホゲーで遊ぼっ!!! by フォウ
げーむ by ふゆのら
遊ビゴコロヲ by ぶんか
おもちゃ箱 by ましろみのあ
(=^・^=) by まど
日曜日 by まふゆ
ほのにこすとろべりぃ。 by まやたんた
あそび by まろぐ
あやとり by みやこるり
神々遊戯 by めめお
にんぎょうはゆめのなか by もいたろ
おままごと by もちょりんぷん
魔女の部屋 by ヤナギヨミ
切り絵 by ゆき
遊 by ルメハ
「あ、ジョーカーもってるでしょ」 by ゑぐち。
おかし大戦争 by をる編太
水遊び by 黄な粉餅
積み木の塔で by 夏目チョコ
シャボン玉とんだ by 叶月ゆきあ
華やかな子供時代 by 吉田南ナ子
こども武将★ by 休兵衛
飛んでる~! by 群青狼◆お仕事募集中
ドールハウスの友達 by 絹狐
「いつかまた」 by 御御
no title by 今栄
空色キャンバス by 朔月八雲
旅路 by 四仮
「遊び心を思い出してごらん!」 by 支那もち
行こう!楽しい場所へ! by 森ゆうか
結んでいいよ by 生方
私達の遊び by 青空批ノ木
Shattered game data Crisis by 大噎
サバイバル!! by 谷川龍米
もぐらたたき by 端里
乙女の箱庭 by 兎角
ねぇ、僕と遊ばない? by 日々
バーチャルお絵かき!!! by 巴こけし
traditional by 楓璃(ふうり)
あめのひ by 文月
ジョーカーは右だよ by 平和イヲ
PLAY!! by 友人
遊園地 by 利伊
大富豪 by 凌
遊びの王様 by 炒芽もやし
★☆ by 메차
遊び by 양갱/YANG
お花と戯れ by ぱるす
About Illustration Contest for High School Students by pixiv