Drawings Themed Around Halloween - Scary Good Fun
Ghouls, witches, vampires, zombies… It’s that time of the year when the undead and creatures of the night come out for some spine-tingling, hair-raising fun! It’s also the one day you can dress up in the most outrageous costumes without anyone batting an eye—unless your costume is seriously weird, like an empty roll of toilet paper.
If flashy and flamboyant outfits aren’t your thing, you can always hop aboard the “Jimi Halloween” (lit. "unremarkable Halloween") train and dress up in mundane, everyday costumes, such as a person who regrets not getting a basket when waiting in line at the register.
Are you getting all decked out or creepin’ it real for Halloween this year? In any case, we wish you a fang-tastic and specter-cular time filled with many Jack-o’-lanterns and treats!

ハロウィン ヴィエラ
by みづ