Drawings of Tanabata - When Can I See You Again?
Do the stars ever remind you of someone you haven’t met in a long time or only get to see a few times a year? Perhaps it has something to do with Orihime and Hikoboshi, the star-crossed lovers that Tanabata is all about! Once a year, on July 7th, the lovers reunite for a single night after being separated by the Milky Way for the rest of the year. According to legend, if it rains on Tanabata, the lovers must wait another year to meet, and the rain on this day is likened to the tears of Orihime and Hikoboshi.
To celebrate their reunion, people usually write wishes on colorful strips of paper called tanzaku and hang them on bamboo, sometimes alongside other decorations. The sight can be incredibly poetic, and you never know when your wish may come true.
We hope you enjoy these lovely illustrations capturing the essence of Tanabata! Who do you hope to be reunited with this summer?

by ぺち
The Star Festival 2024 July posting event for illustrations, manga, and novels is now underway!
Now calling all star-themed illustrations, manga, and novels for the pixiv Star Festival 2024 July posting event!
Whether you love creating illustrations, manga, or novels (lyrics, poetry, essays are also welcome), we want to see all of your star-themed creative works. Follow your heart and create whatever comes to mind when you think of stars!
Submit to the posting event and get a chance to be one of 30 people who win a 1000 JPY Amazon gift card!