Video: Drawing Challenge! 99's "Kaitemita"!

Hello from the pixiv Sketch development team!
We introduce and explain all sorts of new functions through this series: for example, did you know you can now change layer blend modes through the pixiv Sketch app?
pixiv Sketch--on both iPhone and Android--lets you do this and lots more, all for free!
Features in our series, ”Drawing attempt - by artist ____,” illustrators take on drawing challenges using the above mentioned pixiv Sketch app.
We bring you their illustrations, brought to life in 3-minute videos!
Featured today is social and card game illustrator 99, known for his lush, fantasy-themed landscapes and beautiful character designs.
Here’s the final illustration!

Wondering how it’s done? Let’s find out!
10 Blend modes including multiply, dodge, screen, etc.

The pixiv Sketch app has 10 blend modes; in addition to “Normal”:
The blend modes can be changed through the Layer menu.
Layer blend modes can be used to easily add dimension to the drawing. For example, “multiply” can be used to add shading to skin, while the “addition” and “dodge” modes can be used for lighting effects.
For those of you finding all the different blend modes confusing, feel free to follow along with the article and try it yourself! Plus, the pixiv Sketch app is free, so you can experiment as much as you like!

When creating this drawing, 99 first made a rough sketch to get down the bare essentials, then quickly colored in the back- and foregrounds, and began to add in the finer colors after that--a method that can be described as “thick inking.”
To add lighting, an “addition” layer was made, using a thick airbrush for light peeking through leaves, and a finer brush for the light bouncing off trees.
Adding trees and branches to the forest, as well as faeries, bit by bit, the world slowly comes to life in a previously flat drawing. Check out the technique 99 employed to bring it all together!
After about 3 hours, 99 has finished the drawing!
We got to chat with 99 about what goes into his drawings.
So, without further ado--!
- Please tell us a bit about what goes into finishing drawings for you!
Usually, during the rough stage, I try to be conscious about keeping the subject at the front.
Personally, when doing a rough, instead of lines, I made a ballpark drawing of the subject, and refine that as I go on, so it’s important for me to make sure the subject maintains the focus in order to create a three-dimensional effect.
- Are there any functions you’d like to see added to pixiv Sketch?
I liked how there were plenty of modes to create shadows with like “dodge” and “screen.”
They were a big help in creating lighting for this drawing too!
What I did want to see were eraser tools. Particularly, a textured tool like an airbrush would have been convenient to have for this drawing, in that I could blur parts of the foreground.
As well, I thought a free transform tool or a lasso tool would have made the process more efficient, and could have further added some depth to the drawing.
And, since I use a lot of layers, I thought it would be nice if they made it so you could use even more layers! (Laugh)
- Thank you for your requests and feedback (laugh). An airbrush eraser tool is actually planned for a future release! Hope you look forward to it. Finally, if you can, please tell us about what you’re working on currently!
I’m affiliated with a game company, so I’m working hard with them to create hit products!
I also do shows whenever I have enough individual works to showcase, the details of which can be found on my website. I’d love for you all to check it out.
Thank you so much for your time!
pixiv Sketch allows you to draw and post whenever and wherever you like! This app is also recommended for beginners!
Check out our feature-filled app on iOS (AppStore) or on Android (Google Play)!

- 99
- <ul><li>
Born in Kanagawa Prefecture.
</li><li>After graduating university, began studying digital illustration at art school.
</li><li>After working as a freelancer and background designer at an animation company, currently does general 2D artwork at a game company.
</li><li>Individual works done purely digitally; chiefly draws in fantasy/sci-fi genres.
Check out all the features available on pixiv Sketch, for iOS and Android!
-You can use the camera capture the rough sketch you drew and work on it right away!
-Work on up to 10 layers in iOS (6 on Android)
-10 types of layer blend modes -- no need to compromise desktop-level functionality!
-A built-in bucket palette color picker for seamless drawing, complete with 5 kinds of brush and fill tools!
-Upload through pixiv Sketch instantly when you’re done! Uploaded directly to pixiv--no mess, no fuss.