What's your favorite music? Editor’s picks featuring: “CD Covers”!

What pops in your mind when you hear the word "Summer"?
Hello everybody! I am Edo of pixivision’s editorial department. This is the first time that I am writing to everybody here! I am pleased to meet you all. Now then, are you ready to enjoy what pixivision has to offer for the summer?
Perhaps you noticed, but between July and August, we posted many Summer themed illustration features. For example, we covered swimsuits and yukata articles, festival and fireworks articles... and so much more! pixivision has got your Summer covered!
But what makes me really understand that it's Summer is... musical festivals. When it comes to the feeling of listening to music under the summer heat, I love both standing first in line and enjoying the festivals quietly from the back rows. I love listening to music, but I think everyone has their own way of experiencing summer.
That being said, today's editor picks feature CD cover illustrations! Can you guess the kind of music only by looking at the CD cover?
Listen to the song here!