Drawings Featuring Ball Joints - Beauty in the Artificial
If you draw on a regular basis, you’ve most likely come across or practiced drawing with a poseable mannequin before. On a doll, ball joints give them a manmade quality, but when animated characters are depicted with ball joints, they take on a mysterious air of seeming both alive and lifeless at the same time. They’re also effective in portraying a character as fragile or “broken” in some way, and their inorganic beauty can be simultaneously disturbing and mesmerizing.
What do these characters’ expressions tell you about their lives?
The RainRainRain2024 June posting event for illustrations, manga, and novels is now underway!
Now calling all rain-themed illustrations, manga, and novels for the pixiv RainRainRain2024 June posting event!
Whether you love creating illustrations, manga, or novels (lyrics, poetry, essays are also welcome), we want to see all of your rain-themed creative works. Follow your heart and create whatever comes to mind when you think of rain!
Submit to the posting event and get a chance to be one of 30 people who win a 1000 JPY Amazon gift card!